Monday, August 3, 2009

浜降祭 (photos)

been scanning the past few days. the films have been hanging almost a week so i had to file them. the first few shots were with a 50mm, the others with a 25mm. kinda different style of shooting with the 25mm. i was right next to the subject.
if you could see, the first shot is at 4:20 am. the last one was sometime past 6. (my camera could record the time at the edge of the film, but usually doesn't cooperate, so for 2 or 3 rolls, it didn't record the time. and even for those rolls that it decided to record the time, it doesn't like doing so for all frames.)

next blog may be from the recent fireworks... or maybe not... off to aomori nebuta (青森ねぶた) tomorrow.

浜降祭 (contact prints)

i found an easier way to make contact prints. i was using my film scanner but it was too slow and kept hanging on me. i now switched to my flatbed scanner which can take 4 strips at once. it's a bit lower resolution, but does the job faster. i'll be using my flatbed scanner from now. i might go back to my film scanner when i get a faster computer.

made me think to stop having contact prints made altogether when i have my color negatives developed by photo labs.